Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank you for comments on my first blog

Thank you to those who respond to my first blog. It is helping me to continue with the method of communicating with others. Recently while attending the NoBA( National organization of Baptist Association) summit 10 in Fort Worth, Texas God cleared up several area of concern that I have being dealing with. Through a presentation on Spiritual renewal it was obvious to me the greatest need in our Christian Life is to renew our walk with God g0 back to they way it was when we were first saved. This has to begin in we ministers for it to effect the Church. A Second presentation spoke to the need of returning to prayer as central to everything we do. A third presentation made me aware of the great and urgent need to reach the middle and younger adults with the gospel and this will mean new and different ways of communicating with them. Thus I have begun to blog with prayer that middle and younger adults will hear the gospel and church will develop intentional methods of carrying the Gospel to them. Watch for future blogs when I will keep you up on my journey in this area. God Bless

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Here I go with my attempt to Blog

Today is my first attempt to use Blogging in my ministry as Associational Missionary for Mississippi County Baptist Association, Blytheville Arkansas. We have 44 Southern Baptist Church's in our County with a range of 350 to 10 in Sunday School and Worship each Sunday.

One of the burdens of my heart is that we see a great increase in reaching people for Jesus Christ in all of our churches. Monday January, 18, 2010 MCBA hosted an evangelism rally with theme of Reach Generation Now with training in God's plan for sharing. Forty-Four individuals who represented 13 churches experienced presentation on :(1) Prayer Walking (2) Distrubuting invitation to Easter Sunday Services (3) Follow- up on those visiting in the Easter Sunday Service.

We live in a time when there needs to be more emphasis on reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a need for revival in the hearts of God's people which will bring a Spiritual Awakening in or communities for lost people being saved.

Will you join me in praying for revival and asking God what we need to do for revival to come in our lives.